
Monday, April 21, 2014

Katie 18-inch Doll Dress

Katie 18-inch doll dress by nest full of eggs
 The Katie 18-inch doll dress is a cute little sleeveless dress with a 7 inch regular zipper in the back. Most doll clothes have Velcro, but Velcro can snag onto so many things like tights and other clothing. You would think that installing a zipper in doll clothing would be difficult, but it really wasn't.

Katie 18-inch doll dress by nest full of eggs
 The fabric came from the leftovers of the Laura Ashley bridesmaid dress and the dress has the same silhouette as the re-engineered dress. I had just enough leftover piping (from the original dress) for piping at the waistline for this one.
girl and doll matching dresses by nest full of eggs
If you're looking for a free dress pattern and tutorial for an 18-inch doll, I highly recommend this one. I will definitely be sewing more of these.